Best Day Brewing. Free shipping when you purchase non-alcoholic beer from Best Day. I recently had the Kolsch, which was every bit as good, for its style, as their West Coast IPA, which is superb. No doubt, BDB knows what they’re doing. Get yourself some rehydration, using this code on their website when you check out: WESTCOAST
Purple Lizard Maps. World-class outdoor/adventure maps made by an award-winning cartographer based in Pennsylvania. 10% off a one-time purchase, as an MTBeer paid subscriber. When checking out on the website, enter code MTBeer to get 10% off your order. Back in the 1990s, Mike’s hand-drawn maps appeared in Dirt Rag. Now he has maps for PA and WV, as well as Rincon, Puerto Rico. There are fanny packs, socks, hats, etc. at the website:
Guanabikers Tours in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. I rode with Guanabikers in 2012. Guanacaste is the northwestern region of Costa Rica, a little off the well-worn tourist tracks of Costa Rica. They are offering 15% off tours/rentals to MTBeer paid subscribers, and they can recommend lodging. This offer stands adelante/onwards, they said, meaning there’s no end to it. Best months/dry season: December-February. March and April it starts heating up. All of the other months are good, too, but you might encounter rain. Email me for their contact info.
Georiders Tours in the Republic of Georgia. I rode with Georiders in 2012. I’m planning a trip back myself. They are offering 15% off all tours to MTBeer subscribers through 2022. The best months to ride there are May-October. They can arrange for 1-day outings or up to two weeks, around Tbilisi (capital city) or across the Caucasus to the Black Sea. Most people, they said, go on week-long adventures. Website is here: