Picking up where we left off…
I love trees. Who doesn’t? Well, I guess if one falls on your house, you might not. But probably only that tree, right?
Speaking of trees. Forest Service. USA. The recent announcement of the gutting of seasonal crews by some 2400 positions in FY 2025. Say goodbye to trail maintenance. They’re keeping wildfire crews, though.
When will public lands managers get the money/budget they need to do their jobs?
Every semester when we spend 2 weeks on public lands cases, the same lesson has been taught for my 12 years in front of the classroom = public lands managers are overworked and underpaid and the agencies never have enough money to do their jobs.
Public land is essential to mountain biking.
Job cuts mean that volunteers are going to be needed more than ever.
Public land is a pillar of democracy. What is known is that the movement to privatize public land has been around a long time. It’s not going away, that’s for sure. Too many millions of acres of land that the government can’t manage, is what they say.
So what happens when there’s a budget shortfall?
Their cry gets louder and more bellicose.
I like trees. Backyard mulberry above these words.
Flip it over. The perspective. What if public land is sold off and mountain bikers buy some?!
Imagine the kinds of perspectives on what to do with it! Pump track this, flow trail that, gotta make room for all varieties of bikers, can’t we all just get along?!
We can compromise, though.
That’s a campus tree. Dandy, isn’t it?! I have a campus/road hills ride that I need to ride more. Bring 1-gear to work and ride between classes.
What happened to my public lands rant?
Wasn’t this about trees?
Trees on public lands of public universities! There we go. It’s all tied back together and when I ride a bike up and down the steep road drop offs of the mesa, I get some good training in, about an hour’s worth, and trees and bikes are all together in my space in time.
Sideways view below these words. Good beer? Yep. It’s brewed in Alpine, CA by the Mcilhenney family. Do they brew a bad beer? Not that I’ve experienced.
Drink Family Trees West Coast IPA and/or … go to bed.
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