MTBeer is not a place for advertisements. You won’t see them here.
MTBeer is not about following the blue dot. There are plenty of GPS tracks available on the world wide interwebs for you to download and chase the blue dot. This is not one of them.
MTBeer is not industry-insider, at all. I’ve never met a magazine editor in person and I don’t know any bike/tech company founders/owners.
MTBeer is not peanut butter chocolate with a dash of fresh coconut double whipped macchiato stout. At the tasting room, when you order it, I’ll smile and say “cheers,” though. I’m down with you ordering and enjoying what you want.
MTBeer is not pineapple mango chutney with a drop of golden sunshine IPA. I’ll order it for you if it’s my turn to buy the next round, but I won’t taste it.
MTBeer is not e-MTBeer. Hmm? Maybe you should start that up (?!). I don’t care if you e-bike, unless you come up behind me on a climb and expect me to move over on a trail where there isn’t room to do that.
MTBeer is not your music blasting down the trail for everyone else to hear. Read these two books: Quiet by Susan Cain and One Square Inch of Silence by Gordon Hempton.
MTBeer is not bro-MTBeer. Machismo and I don’t go together.
MTBeer is not a site to find bike/product reviews. Enough people already do that. Ride what you got and use what you like. In addition to that, we all can’t afford $100 t-shirts.
MTBeer is not macro beer. Toss me a can at the campfire, though, and I’ll drink it, unless it’s Coors. The legacy of hate which helped build that brand is not something I can simply turn my head to. Well, maybe I could if they ever were to make a public apology about it.
MTBeer is not about stopping in the middle of the trail or at the trailhead/entry to the trail/trail junction and adjusting your “hip” pack or taking a selfie, blocking the right-of-way to other trail users.
MTBeer is not social media.
MTBeer is not about irresponsible drinking.
MTBeer is not Puritanical, and I do support non-drinkers. To each their own, right?
MTBeer is not bike parks, not bombing shuttled-DH, and it is decidedly not “rowdy,” which is lazy writing.
What is MTBeer then? Comin’ right up …